How Video Volunteers and The Quint Together Countered COVID Misinformation in Rural India


The poor and marginalised were among the worst hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. They did not have immediate and ready access to treatment, vaccine and correct information on the viral disease. Unverified forwards on WhatsApp and social media led to vaccine hesitancy and that slowed down the process of recovering from the pandemic.

Video Volunteers and The Quint partnered together to use to same medium - social media, to counter misinformation. Using the vast reach Video Volunteers has in rural India through its Community Correspondents, together they distributed fact-checked and verified information to dispel rumors on the disease and encourage people to get vaccinated.

Apart from social media campaigns, on-ground events like 'Jaan Jao, Jaan Bachao' were organised in the tea gardens of West Bengal to spread awareness about the disease and its vaccine.

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